What is on the Minds of Gen Z Lawyers?

It turns out that Generation Z lawyers have a lot to say.  You may recall that I wrote a book about Millennial lawyers.  In What Millennial Lawyers Want:  A Bridge from the Past to the Future of Law Practice (Aspen Publishers, 2019), I predicted that some of what Millennial Generation lawyers want will also be true of Gen Z lawyers.  At the time, however, it was too early to gauge.  But now the voices of Gen Z lawyers are being heard loud and clear.

Here is a conversation transcript that should get the attention of Gen Z lawyers and law firm management, especially.  Find out what is important to Gen Z lawyers and what those young lawyers want.  Discover how they value flexibility as compared to how they value high salaries — and what the trade offs may be.

This is not a subject that law firm management should discount or shy away from.  As the article points out, young lawyers are very dynamic in terms of their worklife and change jobs often.  If they cannot find what they want in one firm, they will leave for a firm that promises more.  The days of loyalty to firms and spending 20 years at one shop is long gone.  Like Millennial lawyers, Gen Z lawyers are not to be taken for granted.

The conversation is long, but you do not have to read it at one sitting.  The important thing is to get the information to find out what your contemporaries think and what law firms should take seriously.

And while you Gen Z lawyers are at it and paying attention to your careers, don’t forget to get a copy of my most recent book, New Lawyer Launch: The Handbook for Young Lawyers (Full Court Press, 2023).  It will give you a leg up on the competition and eliminate the guess work. More than 15 practicing lawyers from Gen X to Millennials join me in sharing the facts and proven strategies to benefit entry-level lawyers.

Lawyers from Generation X to Millennials sharing their best advice for career success.  A must read.  Just do it!











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