Women of World Law Group (WOW) is new to me. And I am very pleased to add it to my resources for the advancement of women and to share it with you.
The group hosted its first ever WOW Talk in March during Women’s History Month, and this article summarizes the discussion about women and leadership during that event. The topic was “She For She Leaders Building Leaders,” and it centered on the importance of leadership to career advancement.
Women are natural leaders, but they do not always take advantage of those skills. They can become leaders in the sorority, leaders in parents groups, and leaders in non-profit and community groups, but seeing themselves as leaders in business and law is more of a stretch. That is probably the result of male-dominated career choices and letting males define them within those environments. That is a pattern that needs to be broken wide open, and women need to be the ones to do it.
Below is a “To Do” list from that first WOW talk.
*Be involved in cultural change;
*Identify your leadership style;
*See yourself as a leader;
*Find mentorship and sponsorship;
*Overcome challenges;
*Define balance and boundaries;
*Build connections with senior leaders;
*Embrace a growth mindset; and
*Be authentic.
For specifics, read the article. Then make your own “To Do” list that is tailored to your experiences and objectives. Keep that list on your desk, and consult it daily.
Become the leader you were meant to be and soar in your career. It all is possible.