Thought For The Day

Make the most of every day—they all add up!

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Thought For The Day

Being angry is a waste of time. Planning how you will change the result the next time is not.

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Thought For the Day

Some people try to offend you, and some people do not know any better. Know the difference!

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How Do You Rate Your Commitment to Law Practice?

I participated on a panel last night at George Mason University Law School. The event was sponsored by the Women’s Law Association, and the other panelists were a former Administrative Judge for the Department of Interior and a member of the Career Services staff at the law school. There was a lot of interesting information about the practice experience of the panelists and some candid observations about the past and future for women in the law.

One of the comments that caught my attention was about the level of commitment to law practice by women lawyers. There was concern expressed that many young women are not as committed as they need to be, especially in large firm practice. Commitment in that setting is about as demanding as it gets in law practice, and everyone cannot deliver the high level of commitment that is required, like 80 hour weeks and weekend work as the rule instead of the exception.

It is something to think about when you are choosing a practice. In fact, it is essential that you address the issue early so that there are no surprises and disappointments later. Remember that the good career plans are the ones that work best for you as an individual.

So get to work on that career plan. There are so many choices and so many different settings to choose from.

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Thought for the Day

Be kinder than you think you need to be. Everyone you meet is challenged in one way or another.

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What to Wear to an Interview

I touched on this subject earlier this week, but I just found this blog from Ms. JD in my file,

I think that the advice still stands, so I pass it along for your reading pleasure.  Some of the comments by readers are very helpful, too.

Remember if it looks like lingerie, acts like lingerie, it is lingerie and is NOT appropriate for interview or office attire.  Sorry, because I like lacy stuff just as much as you do!

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Thought For the Day

What is your goal for today?  (What do you mean that you do not have one?)  Goals are the foundation for plans, and we all need plans.

Be sure you have a goal for tomorrow.

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A Reminder of the Power of Mentoring

Well, here I am, back after a wonderful summer respite full of time with old friends, new friends and family.  I have survived an earthquake, a hurricane and flash floods here on the East Coast, and I am renewed and ready to concentrate again on my projects for young women lawyers.

There are lots of new things on the horizon for me, like a newly-designed web site (which will be up and running soon), a new book, a new research assistant, and an exciting new schedule for the coming work/school year.   Don’t forget to remind your schools and law firms about my programs, and check out the web site for a list of my appearances.

However, as with all things new, there are challenges, and I am feeling some of those challenges these days.  Once upon a time I worked for law firms, and I had lots of “people” addressing lots of “stuff” that I, therefore, did not have to address.  Stuff like marketing, web sites, press and public relations, strategic plans, and the list goes on.  Then came my days as an entrepreneur, and now I am the chief cook and bottle washer for my business, and most of the time I feel like a one-armed paper hanger!

So, like so many of you at certain times in your careers, I find myself wondering what to do when I cannot find enough time in the day to get it all done and end up having trouble seeing the forest for the trees?  Well, you know if you read my book, and I should have remembered sooner. What to do, of course, is to find a mentor.


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