The Best Friends at the Bar year is about to come to a close. Yes, I know that the entire month of December lies ahead before the Big Ball drops in Times Square and that you still have time for holiday shopping, holiday cards, holiday decorations, attending parties, giving parties, baking and cooking … and the list goes on. Do not panic, you have plenty of time to accomplish all this and more. You are young and energetic and incredibly resourceful. I have complete faith in you.
I, on the other hand, have the luxury of taking the month of December off each year to address my work-life balance. December is when I concentrate on family and friends and help make memories. It is when I listen to music, play the piano, read books, take long walks, and watch all the movies that I have missed earlier in the year. It is when I stick close to home and don’t travel on business. It renews me and gets me ready to jump into the new year with gusto and enthusiasm to connect once again with you, my readers.
So, this is my last blog of 2017, and it seems appropriate to look back on the year and see where the mission on behalf of women lawyers has taken Best Friends at the Bar. Here is the retrospective:
- I have delivered key note addresses at bar associations, including the Oklahoma Bar Association and the Tampa, Florida chapter of the Federal Bar Association;
- I have spoken at law firms in Washington, DC and New York City and to other industry groups across the country;
- I have served on panel discussions and written over 50 blogs on subjects from Advocacy to Zero Tolerance;
- I have written the draft manuscript for a new book for Millennial lawyers; and
- I have perfected a program on Soft Skills for Lawyers, which will be available in 2018.
This has kept me very busy, and I have enjoyed it all. Best Friends at the Bar is a gratifying project that positively affects the lives of so many women lawyers, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to carry out this mission. I hear from many of you, and your comments make it all worth while …
Like the young woman standing in the back of a ballroom at one of my speaking engagements earlier this year. She was holding a baby and doing the “mommy rock” as she listened intently to my remarks. I met her later and she told me that she has a two-year-old at home and this new baby. She said that she doubted whether she could continue in law practice until she heard me speak about the many faces of success. She smiled broadly and said that she had called her husband and told him, “I just heard this woman speak, and I know I’m going to make it now.”
That says it all …. except Happy Holidays to all of you. See you next year!