Now that one fall holiday is behind us and the big holiday season is on the horizon, I think that it is appropriate to address how lawyers spend their holidays. Well, that can vary considerably from one lawyer to another, as you might expect. A lawyer can work up until the eve of the holiday at the office or he or she can pretend to be partaking of the holiday spirit by working at home with a cell phone in firm grasp while performing holiday prep events like decorating the tree, placing the menora or hanging the lights. You have to be fairly coordinated to pull this off, however, especially if the hanging of lights involves a stepladder.
Also, wondering around the shopping mall checking e-mail on a Blackberry or similar device every three minutes qualifies as “in the holiday spirit” for many lawyers, but it is pretty discouraging for the kids accompanying them who are trying to draw attention to the must-have items on their lists. Fortunately the line to sit on Santa’s lap is generally very long, and that provides lots of quality Blackberry time, a blessing in disguise. CONTINUE READING >