Is the Women’s Movement Over?

It is a new year, and we need something to shake us up.  Something provocative to set the pace for 2015.  Something to challenge our settled notions.  Try this out.

The question “Is the Women’s Movement over?” is being asked with more regularity these days, and some women find it disturbing, especially those women who fought long and hard for the progress that has been made in the last 50 years.  However, it may be less disturbing to the young women today, and perhaps that is the real disturbing thing.

You know me by now — or at least I hope you do.  I have produced two books on women in the profession of law and hundreds of blogs and articles.  I speak to audiences of  women professionals all over America, and there are no value judgments in my writings or remarks.  They are all about choice, individuality and personal goals.

So, judging is not what I intend to do.  I consider myself a woman’s advocate and not a feminist, and I believe there is a difference.  However, I respect the opinions of both feminists and non-feminists alike.

So, it is no surprise that a recent article in More magazine caught my eye.  Yes, that is the magazine for women my age, and many of you probably have never seen a copy.  I am a fan, however, and there is a lot of substance for those of you who are aging more slowly than I am!  You, too, will get there one day, so keep it in mind as a good read for your future.

The article, “Is there still such a thing as a women’s issue?”, is premised on recognition that women have made incredible progress but that declaring victory is premature.  The author, 32-year-old Jessica Grose, is clearly disturbed that some millennial women are signing on to a movement called Women Against Feminism and posting messages indicating the futility of fighting for rights they already have.  Between the lines these young women seem to be saying that feminism is a thing of the past and even sexist.

What do you think?  Where do you fit on the spectrum?

Tune in to the next blog for some point/counterpoint on the subject.


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One Response to Is the Women’s Movement Over?

  1. Pingback: More on the Vanishing ??? Women’s Movement | Best Friends at the Bar™

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