Time For My August Hiatus

I am back from my whirlwind schedule of conferences in NYC and Boston last month, followed by some much-needed R and R with friends and family.

While in NYC to attend the NAWL Annual Conference, I presented a program at Simpson Thacher. I really enjoyed my time there with both female and male lawyers, especially responding to very thoughtful questions during the Q and A. Thanks to the law firm for hosting me and providing my books to their lawyers.

Think about a similar program for your law firm. Best Friends at the Bar is for all lawyers — not just women lawyers!

And now, I am continuing my annual August hiatus to spend more time with friends and family and to re-new. Time for self is very important, as you know from my books and programs.  So, I practice what I preach.

Have a wonderful end of summer.  Be sure to include enough play time and a few margaritas. Who knows —- we may meet up on my travels and we can share one together!

See you in September.

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