Celebrating Sisterhood

I am a proud member of Delta Gamma sorority, an international fraternity that celebrates its founding on this day each year.  Founded on March 15, 1873 by three visionary students at a women’s college in Mississippi, the mission was identified as “rendering service to others.”

That mission drew me to the group when I was a student at the University of Wisconsin so many years ago.  The Omega chapter at UW was one of the first chapters of Delta Gamma and still is going strong today.

Proof of the lasting effect of sisterhood, I will gather soon with more than 15 of my dearest friends from my Delta Gamma days at UW for our annual “women only” retreat.

Although sororities do not occupy the same place on many college campuses today, that is understandable.  Times change.  Attitudes change.  Needs change.

But support for women by women does not change, and it is not limited to sororities.  It can be found in a variety of settings, and it still is extremely important in our profession and in society at large.  That message is key to my writing and speaking as part of the Best Friends at the Bar project, and I believe it is fundamental to our successes as women in all aspects of our lives.

Quite simply, women supporting women is something we all can and must do.

Here’s to the women of Delta Gamma.  Thanks for the important part you play in my life.

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