Justice was served today when Larry Nassar, an Olympic Team USA doctor, was sentenced to over 100 years in prison for sexual abuse of young women gymnasts over decades. If you have not seen the remarks of the sentencing judge in a Michigan court, here is the link.
She was powerful and everything you want a judge to be in facing off against a sexual predator, who at no time fully embraced his wrong-doing and the harm he had caused to young women and their families. This judge was relentless.
This is yet another chapter in the growing movement against abuse of women by powerful men, who use their power to gain personal pleasure and control over powerless women. From the #MeToo movement to a courtroom in Michigan, women are finally being believed and given the respect they deserve, and powerful institutions are being forced to ask questions and examine policies and procedures that have been ignored for too long.
It is not just about women. It also is about men. Men often are victimized as well, and women need to have empathy and understanding for their plights. And we hope that making strides toward equity and justice for victimized women will have the effect of also gaining equal and compassionate treatment for men who become victims.
Make no mistake, however. Today, it is about WOMEN. Today we celebrate the 150 plus women, who were victims of Dr. Nassar and who had the strength and wisdom to appear in the courtroom and tell their stories and the stories of their families. They are examples of what all women should aspire to be. They spoke truth to power, and they have contributed to a lasting difference in our society and in our lives.
Bravo and thank you to these brave women. They all deserve Olympic medals.