Thank a Veteran Today

I am blessed.  Both my father and my husband served in the military and sacrificed for our freedom.  I do not take it lightly, and I am very proud of them.  My Dad was in Europe for more than 2 1/2 years during World War II while my mother kept the home fires burning for herself and their young son.  My husband was overseas during the War in Vietnam, and those were difficult times for all of the young men and women caught up in that war.

So, today, I ask you to remember the following inscription from the Memorial at the American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, site of the D-Day Invasion of German-Occupied France by Allied Forces in June 1944.  There are few left who experienced it, but we all can remember it.

“These endured all and gave all that justice among nations might prevail and that mankind might enjoy freedom and inherit peace.”

We must remember it for the sake of honoring our heroes and assuring our freedom.

Take a moment to remember someone who served or is serving.  Thank him or her if you have a chance.  It is a small thing for you and a huge thing for them.  They understand sacrifice and service in a way that many of us could easily take for granted.

Happy Memorial Day!

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